Gastric residual volume as enteral feeding evaluation in low birth weight infants and infants: literature review
literature review
gastric emptying, low birth weight newborn, infantAbstract
Introduction: The occurrence of lipid and protein enteral dietary initiation intolerance in preterm is common. This enteral dietary should be initiated, at the same time, in a gradually and earliest way to avoid depletion, which one will lead a malnutrition condition if untreated. To determine if enteral nutrition is being successfully performed, there are certain parameters like residual gastric volume (RGV) that are used to determine if low weight newborns (LWN) and infants are tolerant to enteral dietary progression. Objective: Searching in actual literature data that can confirm if RGV is a reliable tool to validate enteral dietary tolerance progress.Methods: To evaluate the importance of using RVG as a nutritional monitoring tool the authors searched papers with the keywords: gastric emptying, newborn, low-weight, infant. Forty-seven papers were found in three scientific data base in a search period between February-April 2018: Pubmed, Portal da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (Medline and LILACS) and Cochrane Library, although, only twenty three papers were considered in this review by presenting RGV as a method to verify enteral dietary tolerance in LWN and infants. No papers were excluded by language or publishing date. Conclusion: Despite is a routine practice in neonatal intensive care units services to verify enteral feeding tolerance in LWN and infants by RGV, there is no consensus among these different services protocols and is not possible, at the moment, establishes RGV as a reliable parameter for enteral dietary progression evaluation in this population.
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