Evaluation of image examination requirements requested by external doctors carried out in a Belém hospital – Pará
medicine, medical examination, hospitalsAbstract
Purpose: To evaluate the requests for imaging exams sent to the radiology department of a hospital in Belém-Pará. Methods: An exploratory cross-sectional study with a quantitative and descriptive approach aimed to evaluate the requests for ultrasound examinations sent to the radiology department of a hospital in Belém-Pará from October to November 2018, regardless of origin, evaluating using mean, mode and median using the Excel 2018 application patient data (presence or absence of name, date of birth, mother’s name and origin) and procedure data (form, doctor’s legible letter, presence of tests) laboratory tests and diagnostic hypothesis). Results: A total of 157 examination requests were evaluated, 4 requests (2.6%) did not have the patient’s name, 84 (53.5%) did not contain the patient’s date of birth, 95 (60.5%) did not have the patient’s name. From the patient’s origin, 108 (68.8%) did not write the full name of the exam in full, 2 (1.3%) did not write the name of the exam in the request, 52 (33.1%) contained unreadable handwriting. As a medical professional, all requests (100%) had some unfilled field and 15 requests (9.6%) did not explain the diagnostic hypothesis. Conclusion: The amount of information on examination requests sent to the hospital is unsatisfactory, compromising the quality of radiological reports and increasing the risk of diagnostic errors
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