Comparative study of postoperative pain after local infusion of bupivacaine in aponeurosis for correction of inguinal hernia
hernia inguinal, general surgery, local anestesia, bupivacaineAbstract
Purpose: To evaluate the efficiency of analgesia through the use of infiltration with bupivacaine in inguinal hernioplasty surgeries at the general Surgery Service of Hospital “X”, in the city of “Y”. Methods: This is a longitudinal, observational and analytical study. The study unit is the group of individuals undergoing 0.25% bupivacaine infiltration compared to the group with spinal anesthesia and preoperative analgesia in inguinal hernioplasty, totaling 32 patients surveyed in December 2018. Patients from Hospital “X”, with unilateral inguinal hernia, both sexes, who accepted the method and also those who signed the informed consent form were included. Results: of 32 patients, 90.6% (n = 29) were males, in the range of 62-76 years, with 46.9%. Most of the body mass index, 43.7% was classified as overweight, and 29.1% were smokers. It was observed that the majority, 46.9% was Nyhus I. There was no statistical significance between the group that had infiltration with perioperative local anesthetic and preoperative spinal anesthesia to control immediate postoperative pain and during hospitalization. Conclusion: Infiltration with local anesthetic was not superior to preoperative spinal anesthesia, but it is still an alternative in terms of cost and safety.
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