Methods of fibrose detection in cirrochemical patients

systematic review


  • Thaís Sant’Ana Soares Silva Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia
  • Poliana da Silva Oliveira Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia
  • Riellen Vilanova Feitosa Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia
  • Rafael de Azevedo Silva Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia
  • Ana Paula de Santos Oliveira Brito Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia
  • Hamilton Cezar Rocha Garcia Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia



liver cirrhosis, diagnosis, liver diseases


Purpose: This study aimed to perform a systematic review of articles published in English, Spanish and Portuguese in the last decade, with a view to research on methods of fibrosis detection in cirrhotic patients. Methods: It was selected studies published from 2013 to 2018. The descriptors used were from ” Liver Cirrhosis “, “Diagnosis” and ” Liver Diseases”. The database bases consulted were MedLine, SciELO, Lilacs and Science Direct. Results: In 13 articles, there was an increase in interest about literature, above all not so many publications about different approaches and different diagnostic methods. Were found 4 articles researching about invasive method (hepatic biopsy), as many as 9 articles were cited non invasive methods, among these, 9 were cited imaging methods e 4 were cited serum methods. Conclusion: Despite the technical benefits described in the literature, new research must be carried out in order to identify methods that are more cost-effective and more accurate. Due to the breadth of methods, fidelity levels and cost, it was possible to report which would be most cost-effective, with ultrasound being a first-line examination. Serum methods were important for monitoring and provided useful patient prognostic information. Still, liver biopsy is considered the “gold standard” of methods for diagnosing liver disease.


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Author Biographies

Thaís Sant’Ana Soares Silva, Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia

Acadêmica de Medicina do Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia (UNIFAMAZ).

Poliana da Silva Oliveira, Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia

Acadêmica de Medicina do Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia (UNIFAMAZ).

Riellen Vilanova Feitosa, Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia

Acadêmico de Medicina do Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia (UNIFAMAZ).

Ana Paula de Santos Oliveira Brito, Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia

Médica formada pela Universidade Federal do Pará e Mestre em Cirurgia e Pesquisa Experimental pela Universidade do Estado do Pará.

Hamilton Cezar Rocha Garcia, Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia

Médico formado pela Universidade Federal do Pará e Mestre em Cirurgia e Pesquisa Experimental pela Universidade do Estado do Pará.


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How to Cite

Silva, T. S. S., Oliveira, P. da S., Feitosa, R. V., Silva, R. de A., Brito, A. P. de S. O., & Garcia, H. C. R. (2020). Methods of fibrose detection in cirrochemical patients: systematic review. Pará Research Medical Journal, 4, 1–7.



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