Quality of life and the development of depression and anxiety medical students of an institution of teaching of the Amazon
quality of life, depression, anxiety, medical studentsAbstract
Purpose: To identify and understand the quality of life and the development of depression and anxiety in students of an Amazonian Teaching Institution (IES) in the city of Belém, state of Pará, in the year 2017.Methods: An individual observational study, descriptive and cross-sectional study, with students from an IES of the Amazon, using the WHOQOL and HAD-scale questionnaires, using the Mann Whitney and T-Student tests for comparative analysis, and the other data were analyzed by simple statistics. Results: Of the 126 students evaluated, there was a predominance of girls over 19 years of age, female, without previous graduations. A statistically significant difference was observed in the evaluation of the WHOQOL questionnaire in the environmental and social domains, with both results of the 1st semester worse than the 7th semester; It was also significant the result of the possible symptoms of anxiety disorders, being these symptoms more prevalent in the first semester students (63% vs 48%). The other domains of the WHOQOL and HAD results showed no differences, but there was a high prevalence of symptoms of depression in both the 1st and the 7th semester (49 and 35%, respectively). Conclusion: The data found are in line with the literature, and show that even with improvements in some aspects related to quality of life during graduation, the presence of high screening indices for mood disorders (depression and anxiety) among this group population deserves attention and more studies to change this reality and the future of these professionals.
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