Evaluation of occupational stress in healthcommunity agents of a family health strategy
occupational stress, community health workers, family health strategyAbstract
Purpose: Determine the prevalence of occupational stress in health Community agentes crowded at USF Águas Brancas in Ananindeua-PA. Method: It will be a quantitative, observational, transversal and descriptive study during the period from February to October 2017. They were made up of a total of 20 community health agents (ACS) who are adequately crowded and working regularly in the 3 health strategies of the family that make up the UESF of White Waters. Being 7 ACS in the ESF white waters I, 7 ACS in the ESF white waters II and 6 ACS in the ESF Don Bosco.Results: The sociodemographic profile has 70% female, 50-59 age group with 35%, race 65% are brown, civil status 50% are married, with education 35% have completed high school; Regarding occupational stressors, 70% rated occupational satisfaction as the average, 75% consider comfort in the work environment to be low, 40% considered that temperature is what causes more discomfort. 70% stated that the tasks are not monotonous since they are intensely performing their work, 40% stated that the volume of service is excessive seasonal, 40% are students and 25% work extra and 15% have suffered an accident at work. Everybody works 8AM during the week and 25% work weekends on the informality. In relation to the most prevalent signs and symptoms are fatigue, pain in the neck and shoulder muscles with 85% of cases followed by headache, indigestion and low back pain with 80%. Regarding occupational stress we had 45% for moderate range and the same percentage value for intense stress totaling 90% of the cases.Final considerations: This situation serves as an alert for corrective and preventive measures to be taken in order to avoid the fall in performance and the sickness of these workers.
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