Experimental model for human anatomy study in corpses
medicine, education, medical, dissection, anatomyAbstract
Objective: The objective of this experimental model is to the hot scalpel (adapted soldering iron) as an alternative resource for the dissection of anatomical structures enveloped in adipose tissue and shorten the time in this process.Method: For the preparation of the Hot Sprue, a end of a 110V-70W Welding Iron.Results: At the touch of the Hot Sprue, after being switched on, liquefaction of the tissue occurred adipose tissue that involved the anatomical structure and, in addition, the process of detailing the structure was evidenced its characteristics - made that working with standard surgical instruments is not possible to perform. Conclusion: The proposed model provided a safe alternative for dissecting adipose tissue, as well as reducing the time spent on the task when compared with working with standard surgical instruments.
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