A historical series of the incidence of Tuberculosis in Pará between 2015 to 2019
tuberculosis, primary health care, epidemiologyAbstract
Purpose: Demonstrate the incidence of tuberculosis in the period from 2015 to 2019 in the State of Pará and to describe the epidemiological profile of the patients analyzed. Methods: This is a descriptive epidemiological study, in the type of historical series, that used the databases SINAN. Results: Between 2015 and 2019, 23064 cases of tuberculosis were reported and with an increase in the number of diagnoses over that period. Most cases were in men (66%). The most frequent age group was 20−29 years old (26.6%), and patients classified as brown were the most affected (74.7%). The incidence of tuberculosis was higher in patients with schooling between the 5th and 8th grades of elementary school (17%). An increase was also noticed in the notification of cases in patients living with human immunodeficiency virus, smokers and in the population deprived of liberty. Conclusion: It is noticed that Tuberculosis is still a problem with a high and growing incidence in the State of Pará. It is necessary to invest in quality primary care so that there are more early diagnoses in order for the treatment to be effective and thus the chain transmission can be interrupted. Investments are also needed for socioeconomic changes, encompassing both basic sanitation problems and infrastructure changes in the Brazilian prison system.
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