Food for breast cancer prevention: an integrative review




breast neoplasms, diet , food, and nutrition, risk, protective factors


Purpose: To synthesize the available knowledge on the prevention and risk factors for the development of breast cancer related to diet. Methods: An integrative literature review study with a qualitative approach, with the selection of articles in the SciELO and PubMed platforms, from 2017-2021. Results: The protective factors identified were the consumption of fresh or minimally processed foods such as vegetables, fruits, grains, seasonings and spices. While excessive consumption of red meat, whole milk and derivatives rich in fat, sausages, soft drinks and processed foods are considered risk factors. Conclusions: Food is intrinsically related to the prevention and promotion of cancer, and healthy eating practices should be adopted, with a reduction in the intake of processed and ultra-processed products, rich in energy and poor in nutrients.


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How to Cite

Monteiro Gonçalves, M. H., Brito de Oliveira Moraes, Y. de F., dos Santos Figueiredo, S. M., dos Santos Ozéla, C. M., Nunes de Araújo, E., & Oliveira Canuto, L. S. (2023). Food for breast cancer prevention: an integrative review. Pará Research Medical Journal, 6.



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