Knowledge of Patients on Breast Cancer Treatment about Integrative and Complementary Practices in Health




integrative medicine, integrality in health, medical oncology, phytotherapy, breast neoplasms


Living with breast cancer causes emotional repercussions and adverse effects of the treatment itself. The Integrative and Complementary Practices (ICP), a collective of medical systems and therapeutic resources outside the conventional medical care with an integral and broader view. Objective: Discover how much patients know about the ICP, how many practices its, the opinions and use in an oncological context at Ophir Loyola Hospital. Methods: Prospective cross-sectional descriptive study using questionnaires made by authors, during April and August 2021, with patients in the Ophir Loyola Hospital. Results: The sample showed the profiles of 103 women, 94,17% of patients did not know about the Integrative Oncology, and 83,5% did not know about ICP. After an explanation, 93,2% declared knowing at least one of the practices. The most commonly known practices were Yoga, Acupuncture, Phytotherapy, Meditation, Massage Therapy, and Apitherapy. Phytotherapy, Apitherapy, Massage Therapy, and Meditation are the most popular practiced ones, and 38,83% of patients reported did any practice. Further, 78,64% thought the ICP had a scientific base, 66,02% felt they had no contraindication, and 50,49% thought they had no side effects. Conclusion: The research indicates the demand for professional training in the ICP area for prevent complications in order to treat and care for patients. Thus, promoting educative actions about the ICP is essential, as it would offer knowledge to avoid risks during treatment, seen as there are patients who already use these practices, like Phytotherapy.


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How to Cite

Marques de Freitas, L., Felipe Santos, E., dos Anjos Medeiros, B., & Andrade do Nascimento, C. S. (2023). Knowledge of Patients on Breast Cancer Treatment about Integrative and Complementary Practices in Health . Pará Research Medical Journal, 6.



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