Use of project-based learning in remote medical education in pandemic times
education medical, pandemics, health promotion, mental healthAbstract
Purpose: To report the experience of developing materials for carrying out health education activities remotely, which related to mental health in times of pandemic, linked to the discipline Community Interaction IV, of the medical course of the Regional University of Blumenau. Methods: From the situational diagnosis, in a brainstorming exercise, using the methodology of Problem Based Learning, 38 students divided into three groups, with their respective teachers, chose a target audience to work on the theme of mental health and shared possibilities for addressing the theme. Results: As final products, the groups produced an educational folder addressing the mental health of the LGBTQIA+ community, a profile on the social network Instagram, named "Saudavelmente" and the magazine “IC in Focus”, addressing the mental health of the teachers. Conclusions: Using active teaching methodologies, the activity made it possible to bring the students closer to a real context of mental suffering, which started from an observation of the reality identified and prioritized by the students themselves.
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