Knowledge and adherence to biosafety practices in a maternal and infant referral hospital


  • Daniela Mara Marinho Pereira Universidade da Amazônia
  • Nathália Rabelo Costa Universidade da Amazônia
  • Marlucy Nunes Andrade Universidade da Amazônia
  • Daniel da Costa Torres Universidade da Amazônia
  • Rodrigo Santiago Barbosa Rocha Universidade do Estado do Pará
  • Paulo Eduardo Santos Avila Universidade da Amazônia



Biosafety, exposure to risk, occupational risks


Purpose: the present study aimed to evaluate the level of knowledge and adherence to Biosafety standards in the maternal and child health sector of a referral hospital. Method: a qualitative and quantitative cross-sectional descriptive exploratory field survey was carried out at the Santa Casa de Misericórdia Foundation of Pará with 54 employees from the pediatric clinical nursing and pediatric surgical ward sectors. Results: the data were collected through the application of a questionnaire with questions about general Biosafety issues, where 95% of the employees stated that they know what Biosafety is, 59.26% of the employees stated that they have already received some training in Biosafety and 51.58% it does not know the Regulatory Norms related to the practice in Biosafety. Conclusion: the research reported the perception of FSCMP workers on the concepts of safety associated with health services and noted the need to strengthen in workers the concepts related to Biosafety.


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Author Biographies

Daniela Mara Marinho Pereira, Universidade da Amazônia

Bacharel em Fisioterapia. 

Nathália Rabelo Costa, Universidade da Amazônia

Bacharel em Fisioterapia. 

Marlucy Nunes Andrade, Universidade da Amazônia

Fisioterapeuta Especialista em Traumato-ortopedia. 

Daniel da Costa Torres, Universidade da Amazônia

Fisioterapeuta Mestre em Fisioterapia.

Rodrigo Santiago Barbosa Rocha, Universidade do Estado do Pará

Fisioterapeuta Doutor em Ciências do Movimento Humano. 

Paulo Eduardo Santos Avila, Universidade da Amazônia

Fisioterapeuta Doutor em Biotecnologia.


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How to Cite

Pereira, D. M. M., Costa, N. R., Andrade, M. N., Torres, D. da C., Rocha, R. S. B., & Avila, P. E. S. (2017). Knowledge and adherence to biosafety practices in a maternal and infant referral hospital. Pará Research Medical Journal, 1(3), 1–8.



Research Article